Thursday, November 6, 2008

Lucky & her pups!

Well Lucky had her puppies last Saturday. One boy and one girl. We named the girl Cheyenne and the boy Chattanooga. It was quite the experience. She started going into labor at 10:00p.m. Saturday night (Nov. 1st) so we put her in her little box that I made for her. She was panting and freakin' out, so I called Kandy (dad's ex-wife) and said "Come help please, Lucky's going into labor and we have no idea what we're doing!!" She and Amy came over and we watched Lucky for about an hour, and then she started contracting and we could tell she was pushing. We were surprised at how much we had to help her. The boy came out okay, but we had to help get the sac off of his face and cut the umbilical cord. So Chattanooga was born at 11:30p.m. and Cheyenne was born an hour later at 12:30a.m. Cheyenne was harder because she was breech. Lucky got tired of pushing so the puppy got stuck. Kandy had to hold Lucky up while B.J. literally pulled the puppy out... while I sat in the background and went, "Good job guys, you're doing great!" We've discovered that I'm great with the before and after and comforting part, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty blood and guts of that kinda thing, I have anxiety attacks. They cleaned off her face and cut the umbilical cord and she's doing fine now. Both puppies are eating well and growing fast! Thanks to Kandy for all her help! She and Amy didn't end up leaving until about 1:30a.m. that morning.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Teddy Bear

So here is the Teddy Bear costume. It's really cute! Nana was very excited to see him smiling in the Teddy Bear costume. He still doesn't like the thing on his head but he tolerates it... for a little while... This was him just before he started smiling...
We took him over to Grandma Mary Ann's and she held him in his costume in front of the mirror and he smiled at himself, so at least he thinks he's cute. :)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

B.J.'s input

We get so excited when Football season comes around. We're Oregon Duck fans. GO DUCKS!!!
I felt so bad for our little guy. His mother did this without my consent:) He's obviously not going to be the chicken for Halloween.

Braden loves playing and taking pictures with the cell phones.

October Fun!

I can't believe our little boy is 10 months old already! He's so much fun! He loved riding around in the big boy car. Look how his feet don't even touch! :) He was playing at Jill Allred's house while we were tending Maizy & Wyatt. Braden plays with Maizy & Wyatt every Monday & Wednesday while I go to work in the afternoon. He loves playing with them and looks up to them like a brother and sister. However, Wyatt on the other hand isn't such a fan of Braden's at the moment. He's dealing with a jealousy issue since his mommy has to pay a lot of attention to Braden on those days. He tells Braden to "Go 'way!" and Braden, obliviously, smiles at him and continues on bugging him. :) Poor Wyatt. On this particular day when we were tending Maizy & Wyatt, they were playing with the big bubble maker thingy's... ya know with the wands that you wave around to make bubbles... anyway, Wyatt took his wand and went up to Braden and put the wand on his head and got soapy bubbles all in his hair and said, "Bubbles..... hair..... cute!" and walked away. It was so funny!

What else is new... Lucky is pregnant and is due on Halloween. We're hoping for lots of puppies to help put B.J. through school! :) haha... no it's true.

Braden is going to be a Teddy Bear for Halloween. It's really cute. I'll be sure to post pics after Halloween. He was originally going to be this cute Chicken, but Nana Lisa & PawPaw Pat wouldn't have him be "no damn chicken". Which I don't know why, I think the chicken is dang cute, but they insisted that he wasn't going to be a chicken for his first Halloween. Sending her this pic of him screaming in the Chicken costume didn't help matters, I'm sure. So Nana bought him the Teddy Bear costume instead.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Hi Everyone!

Yea, the Deem family finally has a blog!
We are doing well. Braden is the highlight of our lives.. duh.. he makes B.J. and I laugh every day. I just took him to his 9 month Dr's appointment yesterday - he's 18lbs and 28in... which is 50th percentile for height and 10th percentile in weight! He's a little guy. The doc's not worried about his weight because just sitting in the dr's office, he could see how active Braden is... jumping, crawling, kicking, squirming (sp?). He is crawling EVERYWHERE and uses his push toy to try to walk. He is famous for his growling techniques. It is so funny to hear. He uses growling to communicate - gimme that, I'm hungry, I'm tired, I want to play, etc. - so we're starting to teach him sign language to take place of the growls.
He LOVES to get into the dog and cat food bowls. He knocks them over and makes big messes for Mom to clean up... then smiles. One of his favorite chew toys are the door stoppers on the wall. He's taught himself how to unscrew them from the wall and chew on them. He's also figured out how the door stoppers work. He pushes the door against the stopper and watches it bounce back. He's a very smart little bugger. He's the funnest and hardest thing to take care of and we just love him!
B.J. is busy with 10 credit hours of school and working full time - oh and his church calling of Bulletin Board Specialist. :) That's actually both of our callings - we're co-Bulletin Board Specialists. It's the greatest calling ever! Anyway, so we hardly ever see each other except for the weekends. Braden keeps me busy most of the day, except for 4 hours in the afternoon when I go to work. Most days I'd rather be home with him, but there are the few days when I'm a little happy to have a break and go to work. :)
Well we're excited for Halloween (and I'm already getting excited for Christmas!). Hope to see you all soon!